design for your Dning Room Buffet

best Important steps in choosing design for your Dning Room Buffet

Modern living room tables are not just ordinary decorative pieces found in the living room, but in addition to their distinctive look, they have many functional roles and multiple uses that all family members rely on in many aspects during family gatherings and daily events. Therefore, they should be chosen after careful consideration and study to be suitable for the furniture pieces in the room and simultaneously achieve the purpose of their presence in the place. El Malek Furniture presents this report to clarify the most important factors in choosing them. You can also find U-shaped sofa designs for a cheerful living room and simple decor.

Modern tables 2023

Modern tables add elegance and beauty to modern homes, completing their final image to look stunningly beautiful. There are several considerations that can be identified and followed when choosing tables for the living room, including:  
  • Choosing a table suitable for the space is important to avoid feeling cramped while considering the distances between it and the other furniture pieces so that people can move around freely.
  • The table size should be proportional to the height of modern sofa shapes and seats so that the person using it feels comfortable when placing things on it.
  • The design of the table should be appropriate to the space, and foldable designs that can reduce size can be chosen for small spaces. Lightweight tables can also be selected for easy movement and relocation.
  • Al-Malik Furniture offers many designs, including round, square, rectangular, and oval shapes, and the choice can be made based on the space and the comfortable design for the homeowner.
  • Side tables can also be selected and distributed in corners, to match the nature of the decorations in the place.
  • It is preferable to choose delicate and simple designs that blend in with the modern decor and do not become a mismatch if they are large or have a classic design.
  • The material from which the table is made can be selected from metal, wood, acrylic, or glass, and all of these materials are available in modern designs.
  • Modern tables can also be provided with designs made of padded fabric that matches the shape of the sofa, creating a wonderful harmony.
  • Table surfaces vary from glass, marble, wood, acrylic, and fabric, and all are available in Al-Malik Furniture showrooms for free selection.
  • The table surface can also be selected based on its intended use, whether it is for placing food and drinks, or for placing lighting units such as lamps or family photos.
  • The table corners should preferably not be sharp, to be safe especially if there are young children in the family.
  You can also, read What is living room decor? And what are the most important furniture pieces and colors that suit living rooms? 

Modern living room tables

The coffee table used in living rooms is not limited to those placed in the middle of the room. Side tables can also be used to add sophisticated artistic touches to the place. They also have many uses for placing paintings, pictures, lamps, and cups for drinks. There are also many criteria for choosing them, including:
  • The shape of the table is chosen to be proportional to the rest of the room decor, as it may be circular, rectangular, or square.
  • It is preferable to choose nested types that include more than one table in one design, as they provide great space-saving solutions.
  • Some accessories can also be coordinated on side tables, with attention to not overdoing it to keep the decor elegant and simple, and the tables not stacked.
  • Vases can be placed on side tables, along with 2023 living room colors or some family photos, creating a sense of optimism and joy.
  • Some small art paintings can be placed on side tables, giving a sense of sophistication.
  • The unique place for placing books is considered for book lovers, making it a distinctive corner by adding a source of lighting and an elegant modern seat, to add an artistic touch to the place.
From here, it can be said that choosing modern living room tables with modern sofas is no less important than choosing sofas, curtains, and other living room elements. This is because they add a distinctive look to the place, and furniture pieces gather around them, where accessories, food, and drinks are placed. Al-Malik Furniture offers a unique collection of the most beautiful modern tables in all shapes and sophisticated designs, to add a distinctive touch to your room. You can also find Modern living room curtains with simple colors and elegant designs. Continue to explore more modern designs and models of tables, including modern living room tables, and other models with El Malek Furniture. Choose what suits you from the latest global designs through the following links: El Malek Furniture on Facebook. El Malek Furniture on Instagram. El Malek Furniture on TikTok. El Malek Furniture on Youtube.
design for your Tables, احسن معارض الاثاث في القاهرة الجديدة

best Important steps in choosing design for your Tables

Choosing 2023 living room colors requires some focus, as it is related to one of the most important rooms in the house that brings together family members in friendly and harmonious gatherings, and welcomes guests warmly. Therefore, the decor and colors should not be boring and should work towards comfort and relaxation, and be coordinated to include the TV and comfortable seats and sofas in elegant shapes. Given its importance, Al-Malik Furniture offers beautiful designs that fulfill everyone’s desires for comfortable gatherings and an attractive appearance for the most important room in your home. El Malek Furniture also offers the Finest leather sofa designs for a modern living room.

Calm living room colors

Colors play a significant role in achieving a sense of psychological comfort for everyone, young and old. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the colors of the living room in all its details, starting from the colors of furniture pieces for seats and sofas that are modern and away from traditional colors. Choosing colors that are consistent with them for curtains, which are light and coordinated to allow air and light to pass through, to provide a bright and healthy atmosphere in the room. As for carpets, they should be light to facilitate cleaning and not be a cause for dust and lint accumulation. All pieces should be easy to carry and lightweight, to make it easy to move them from one place to another, change the decor, and get new positive and vibrant energy in the room.

2023 living room colors

There are many colors available to choose from, but everyone chooses the colors that suit them and bring joy and happiness to their family members. Some of the proposed colors for this year include:
  • Shades and different shades of purple, coordinated with a light color such as white or beige, as it suggests stability, calmness, comfort, and tranquility.
  • Shades of pink, which is a cute modern color that can be combined well with many colors, especially red, white, and purple. It expresses feelings of love, joy, and happiness and brings warmth to the living room.
  • The blue-green color gradients, especially turquoise and teal, are colors that can be combined with blue, yellow, and green. They are attractive colors that provide a sense of tranquility, comfort, and generosity in the living room.

Luxurious living rooms

Living room colors for 2023 are chosen in a luxurious way, and in addition to the previous colors, there are other distinctive colors, including the following:
  • White color: it is considered one of the most beautiful choices in modern living rooms, either alone or mixed with other colors. It gives a feeling of light and spaciousness with psychological calmness, comfort, and purity.
  • Olive green: it is one of the colors used in living room paint this year, along with lemon green, blue, and greenish yellow. All of them are unusual colors that harmonize with furniture pieces and provide a sense of stability in the room.
  • Blue color: it is a timeless color, as it is an elegant and soft color that evokes feelings of warmth, calmness, and relaxation. It is used for only one wall to attract attention to it.
  • Gray color: it is a neutral color used in living rooms that matches all furniture colors and modern Interiéur couch shapes. It can be used for all walls or for only one wall, and it coordinates with white, pink, beige, and turquoise without restrictions.
  • Crimson red: it is one of the proposals for furniture exhibitions and colors for modern living room walls. It provides a multiplied feeling of warmth and can be used for only one wall. It is coordinated with other neutral colors such as pink, white, gray, and beige.
Modern Italian sofas for living rooms 
The King Furniture offers distinctive living room colors for 2023, characterized by calmness, elegance, and modernity. A diverse collection of luxurious lounges and distinctive corners is provided, not only in terms of colors but also in completely different designs from traditional old shapes, to provide you with a unique multi-use place for family gatherings or receiving guests. Because elegance, warmth, and psychological comfort are available in designs that the client chooses the details of by themselves. The best and most Modern Living Rooms Follow more modern designs and models of lounges with El Malek Furniture and the latest 2023 lounges and more models with Al-Malik Furniture. Choose what suits you from the latest global designs through the following links: El Malek Furniture on Facebook. El Malek Furniture on Instagram. El Malek Furniture on TikTok. El Malek Furniture on Youtube.
designing your Bedrooms, The best Furniture Store In Egypt, best Furniture Store in heliopolis, Nightstand 2024, أثاث الحمام: كيفية الاختيار, الاثاث الاقتصادي: هل يستحق الشراء, الأثاث المتعدد الوظائف

best 5 most important tips when designing your Bedrooms

اختيار الوان غرف نوم للعرسان خطوة مهمة في تأسيس عُش الزوجية، حيث أن هذه الغرفة تحتاج لعناية خاصة عند تصميم ديكوراتها لأنها المكان الذي يقضي فيه الشخص ساعات النوم والاسترخاء، لذا فإنه يجب اختيار الألوان المحببة للعروسين حتى يشعرا بالراحة النفسية، خاصة مع اختلاف الأذواق بينهما وكذلك وجود اختلافات في طبيعة الشخصية، لذا فإن الملك للأساس يقدم للعملاء تصميمات بألوان عصرية تناسب جميع الرغبات لتكون نقطة الالتقاء الرومانسية الأنيقة بين المقبلين على الزواج.

الوان دهانات غرف نوم رومانسية 2023

بالطبع لا يوجد خلاف على أهمية الألوان في غرفة النوم ودورها الكبير في التأثير على الحالة النفسية وتأثيرها المباشر على الرغبة في النوم.

لذا فإن خبراء الديكور يهتمون وبشدة بتصميمها واختيار الألوان الخاصة بها، وذلك كما يلي:

  • يفضل استخدام الألوان الهادئة مثل البيج والأبيض والأخضر واللبني الفاتح، والابتعاد عن البني والأسود وغيرهما من الألوان القاتمة التي تعطي شعور بالكآبة والحزن.
  • الألوان الخاصة بغرفة نوم العرسان يجب أن تكون أكثر هدوءَ من ألوان باقي غرف المنزل الأخرى.
  • يجب أن تتناسب الألوان الخاصة بالجدران مع ألوان قطع الأثاث، ليحدث تناغم وانسجام، مع انتقاء الستائر والسجاجيد وألوان الأرضيات بشكل منسجم ومتناسق.
  • ألوان الجدران لابد أن تتناسب مع مساحة الغرفة، حيث أن الألوان الهادئة والفاتحة تُعطي شعوراً مُضاعفًا بالاتساع خاصة في حالة الغرفة الصغيرة.
  • لون السرير والتسريحة وباقي قطع الأساس يتم اختيارها بألوان أغمق من ألوان الجدران والأرضيات.
  • يفضل أن تكون ألوان الجدران وقدع الأثاث من نفس درجات الألوان بشكل متدرج مُريح للعيون.
  • إذا وقع الاختيار على لون معين للجدران، فإنه يجب تجربته في البداية على جزء صغير والتأكد من أنه مناسب، قبل تطبيقه على الجدران كلها.
  • يجب اختيار الألوان الراقية التي يشعر العروسان أنها مناسبة لهما، بغض النظر عن الألوان المطروحة في هذه الفترة التي قد لا تتناسب معهما.
  • قبل شراء الغرفة، يجب قياس المساحة واختيار القطع التي تتناسب مع هذه المساحة.

الوان غرف نوم للعرسان 2023

كيف يمكن للعروسين اختيار اوض نوم 2023 المناسبة لهما ؟ وما هي النصائح التي تساعدهما على تنسيقها بشكل جذاب ؟

يمكن أن يتم ذلك عند اتباع نصائح خبراء الديكور التالية:

  • اختيار الغرفة المناسبة للمساحة ولذوق العروسين.
  • انتقاء غرفة كاملة بجميع القطع من سرير وتسريحة و2 كومود ودولاب حتى تشعر العروس بالسعادة باكتمال غرفتها، مع مراعاة المساحات.
  • يتم اختيار قطع أثاث إضافية في حالة وجود مساحة لها، مثل الأريكة للجلوس أو مقعد إضافي،

أو خزانة للملابس، المهم أن تكون المساحة كافية حتى لا يحدث شعور بالازدحام.

  • ألوان الغرف المودرن تكون عصرية وهادئة بعيداً عن الألوان الساخنة.
  • يمكن استخدام لوحات طبيعية أو صور للزوجين على الجدران، للحصول على لمسات عاطفية مميزة.
  • يمكن إضافة إكسسوارات لتزيين الغرفة، وتوضع على التسريحة أو الكمود.
  • من الممكن إضافة مرآة طولية بالغرفة لتسهيل عملية ارتداء الملابس، كما تضفي لمسة جمالية لغرفة نوم العرسان.
  • السجاجيد تكون من نفس ألوان الستائر، مع استخدام مفارش للتسريحة من نفس درجات الوان غرف نوم 2023 أيضًا.
  • لا يجب نسيان الزهور والنباتات الطبيعية في تزيين الغرفة، لأنها تعطي لمسة رومانسية مُبهجة مع بعض الشموع الملونة.

من هنا يمكن القول أن الوان غرف نوم للعرسان والأثاث يتم اختيارها حسب رغبتهما،

مع التأكيد على أن تكون هادئة محايدة رومانسية حالمة، بعيدة عن الألوان النارية مثل البرتقالي والأحمر والنبيذي،

وأفضل ألوان غرف نوم هي الأبيض والرمادي والبيج وغيرها من الألوان الفاتحة التي تعطي شعوراً بالاسترخاء والسكينة،

هذا يتحقق بدقة مع غرف النوم الرئيسية من الملك للأثاث الذي يقدم أحديث صيحات الموضة من ألوان وتصميمات.

يمكن متابعة المزيد من الموديلات مع الملك للأثاث، اختر ما يناسبك من أحدث التصميمات العالمية عبر الروابط التالية:

الملك للأثاث على فيسبوك

الملك للأثاث على الانستجرام

designing your Dning Rooms, افضل محلات الاثاث في القاهرة

best 5 most important tips when designing your Dning Rooms

The corner sofa is considered one of the modern and trendy designs that is found in every home, as it adds sophistication and elegance to your home while providing comfort to those who use it. Various shapes and sizes are available to suit all tastes. There are multiple designs of corner sofas available in the market so that everyone can find what suits their taste and needs. Every year, we find many modern designs with trendy colors, and corner sofas are characterized by luxury and elegance despite their simplicity. We will present a collection of pictures for you to choose from: You can also find Modern living room curtains with simple colors and elegant designs.

Modern corner sofa

Although many people prefer the classic style of furniture they own, there are many who prefer to own modern furniture that is elegant and distinctive but with a wonderful modern touch. There are many shapes of modern corner sofas, especially since they allow for changes as desired. Here are some pictures that illustrate this: Corner Sofa   You can also, read What is living room decor? And what are the most important furniture pieces and colors that suit living rooms?  Due to the prevalence of narrow spaces in buildings, designers began to create small corner sofas to fit in the non-spacious areas. They are also characterized by sophistication and elegance, and there are many different shapes available. Often, these small corner sofas are used by individuals who live alone in small homes. Examples of them include:

Modern sofas

Modern sofas come in various shapes, and you can choose the size and number of chairs you want. You can also choose the fabrics that match your taste, which adds the final touch to the furniture. Therefore, it is important to choose the best type of fabric. The following pictures will show you how much the fabric choice can impact the modernity of the sofa:

Tips for buying living room furniture.

Corner Sofa When buying a corner sofa or any living room furniture, you should follow the tips we will mention below: Suitable pieces for the room space: You should buy furniture that fits your room in terms of space, and it is preferable to have measurements for each piece and not exceed them. For example, you should pay attention to the size of the sofa because it occupies the largest space in your room and may cause a problem if it is not suitable.

Check the type of wood:

You should test the wood used to make the corner sofa or any furniture you choose, especially if they are fully covered with fabrics, as poor quality wood will quickly deteriorate and will not withstand use. Therefore, you should buy furniture from a reliable place.

Test the arms of the sofa and chairs:

You should check the durability of the legs and arms of the sofa before buying it. Press the arms, and if they lean with you, it is a sign that the chair or corner sofa is not durable. Keep searching until you find what you want.

Check the seats:

You should make sure that the seat you will use is strong enough to withstand use. Choose seats made of sturdy metals or wood so that it does not collapse, and your sofa will be no longer usable.


Make sure that the cushioning used is of good quality and does not quickly sink, disappear, or make the sofa look bad. Also, make sure that the cushioning is evenly distributed in all places, and check the corners well.

Evaluate the upholstery:

Make sure that the upholstery fabrics are of good quality, and that their colors match. If there are seams, make sure they are well attached.


Corner Sofa

It is preferable that the cushions are of good quality, whether for the filling or the fabrics. Therefore, try to press them and examine them well to know the extent of their elasticity and the quality of their filling. You can also find U-shaped sofa designs for a cheerful living room and simple decor. Through this article, we have learned about the corner sofa and presented you with a variety of pictures of modern and trendy corner sofas and living room furniture to choose from. You can follow El Malek Furniture on social media: El Malek for Furniture on Facebook. El Malek for Furniture on Instagram. You can also follow El Malek for Furniture on TikTok from here. In addition to El Malek for Furniture on YouTube.
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